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Mary Kay: Career Conference - Galveston, TX 2016

      Every year, Mary Kay has two major events that they sponsor for their consultants: Career Conference and Seminar. Seminar is the main one, alway in July and at the Dallas Convention Center. (Because corporate is located in Dallas.) Career Conference is in a way, a watered down version of Seminar. It's shorter and they have them located all over the country, in March, so more consultants can attend.
     Now they do have one in Irving, which obviously would be the closest one for me and my director. However living up there my whole life, sometime you just want a change of pace, thus we decide to travel down to the other CC located in Texas. And you guessed it, it's in Galveston!

   We got super lucky, it had been raining all over Texas and just for us the rain stopped down in Galveston the day before the conference! So it was warm and sunny! Hahaha, which is why we got to go to the beach for an hour to hang out and get pictures!

     Obviously, it was a conference, so we spend the majority of the time indoors. And I really didn't get pictures of the conference, because it was a little dark and we were taking notes, etc. But I had a great time and it was a wonderful conference, lots and lots of information and inspiration! So glad we went down to the Galveston one! Hopefully we can do it again next year!

Suzanne Marie
Suzanne Marie

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