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Some Ideas for Lent

Even though Lent is starting much later then normal, it managed to creep up on me. Last week, my head snapped up, when someone mentioned Ash Wednesday was less then a week away. And here we are.

                             "You are dust, and to dust you shall return." - Genesis 3:19

I feel that many people do not know or understand about the ashes. In years past I have been given funny looks and asked if I was in a play, or told I have marker on my forehead. So here are a few post that I found extremely helpful regarding explaining the ashes:

And here's a fun guide to Fasting & Abstinence: I remember every year having to ask my mom what the difference was and what the rules and ages were for each one. She would usually cut out a guide from our church bulletin and put it on the refrigerator for reference during Lent.

Now comes the question of what to give up or do during Lent... well let me tell you there are literally TONS of things you could do, instead of the usual giving up chocolate and being nice to people (which maybe we all should do year around). Here are five different lists that are all very creative and while some ideas overlap, they are all great places to start.

My biggest pet-peeve regarding lent is when people feel the need to post everything they are giving up on social media. For the past four or five years, at least a couple of people post a photo, message, or change their profile photo to a picture that says something like "BRB... in 40 Days!" in regard to giving up Facebook. And honestly, it is a great thing to give up, but it comes across as you are bragging about what you are doing for lent, especially if you start to list everything else that is not social media related.

The idea (unless it is a group thing). is to have the ideas and sacrifices private, just between you and God. Now if you feel the need to have someone earthly hold you accountable (to know that candy bar out of your hands or grab the remote and turn off the tv), I totally understand, it is hard to remember day in and day out what you had chosen and sometimes we just act out of habit and do not realize what we are doing, so in that case go ahead and let your best friend know what you chose and how they can help.

But do you really have to inform everyone?

I realize just how tempting it is to let everyone know, because in someways it is our want for praise and sympathy for how hard it is going to be and wow, you are doing such an awesome job this year(!), but that is part of the sacrifice. Remember what ever you are doing, it is not about quantity, but quality. You could give up a dozen of different things, but if you do not stick with them, it is not even worth giving up one thing and achieving it.

Matthew 6:1-18 is a good read during lent; it reminds us that whatever we are doing (good deeds, praying, and/or fasting) should be a private matter and not one that seeks attention or praise from other people.

So with that I will leave you to your day and the start of Lent.

Suzanne Marie
Suzanne Marie
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