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Mary Kay Seminar 2017

Year after year, Mary Kay goes over the top for their consultants and directors and it is so hard to describe the experience. Yet, after attending three seminars in a row, I can tell you that ever year is bigger and better. It is even more fun when you start earning prizes!! This year I got to attend the party at Gilley's and the Go-Give Reception.

  • Kate Spade Earrings for Unit Registration Callenge
  • 3 Deluxe Mini TimeWise Repair Sets
  • Pink Cowgirl Hat
  • Dream Big Tote Bag
  • Hot Poppin Popcorn
  • Seminar Embraclet
  • Privé by Sorial Tote Bag
  • Go-Give Princess Court Necklace and Earring Set
  • Replenishing Serum +C
  • Vitamin C Activating Squares
  • Eat Dessert First Lunch Bag
  • Faux Snake Skin Clutch
  • Girl Boss Cup
  • Achievement Certificates
Um wow that's a lot of prizes right? And that's just from the bottom level, the higher up you go, the more you achieve, the more diamonds, necklaces, rings, purses, trips, etc. you earn!

Okay so Mary Kay seminar is broken down into four different conferences, because over the course of two & a half weeks, it brings in 30,000 women in and out of Dallas. Day 1 is actually called Day 0, because really unless you earn the party at Gilley's and the Go-Give Reception, it is just for hotel check in and registration.

Suzanne Marie


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Toward the end of seminar, my feet were not too happy about my choice of shoes! 😂


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