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Fall FabFitFun

Y'all FabFitFun has stepped up their game! The fall box is on point and I am super excited about it!! I was definitely disappointed in their summer box and was on the fence about trying it again. Made the leap, and so glad I did! This box is amazing and almost everything in it I am excited about!

First off there are just so many more products that I am actually going to use. And most of the products are expensive! So it makes it even more worth buy the box - because so many of the products cost more than $50! Or close to it!

Favorite favorite items? I would say the wrap - it is ridiculously soft - however it is not even getting cool out, so hopefully it will get used.  LOVE the cuticule oil and it smells great!

Oh so for the fashion item you could either get the belt (like I did) or a beanie and in all honesty I wanted the beanie(!), but the belt came in hand at an SC dinner, just a few days after I got the box! It tied my outfit together perfectly. 

Okay, here's a little behind the scenes story - I tried it on with the skirt and shirt and loved how it looked, but omg why is it so long?! I ended up cutting off about seven inches of the belt and it made it the perfect length for a short girl (me!). Oh and I had light a match to try to melt the end, where I cut it, but all I did was catch the corner of the belt on fire! HAHAHA, it immediately went out, but still, yolo, right?

What is your favorite item in the box?? Haven't gotten yours yet? Grab yours here! And don't forget to use the code Winter10 to get $10 off!

Suzanne Marie

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