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Exclusive Peek Into #SCCon18

How does one describe an indescribable experience? Lol, obviously, it is pretty hard. But let me backup and start from the beginning. Last fall when I first heard about the upcoming conference, I knew from the few local Style Collective meetups I had gotten to attend, that it was something I did not want to miss. What I did not realize, months later, when I impulsively purchased the non-refundable ticket, was just how much it really was worth.

Leading up to the conference, I was getting more & more nervous. I had never done anything like it before. I've traveled around the world with different groups, but never traveled anywhere outside of the DFW area completely by myself. I was terrified, and ridiculously excited. Because of my anxiety, I kept putting off purchasing my airline tickets & booking a hotel room. Finally, like purchasing the conference ticket, I got my plane ticket. The pieces were starting to fit together.

Friday morning, sitting in the DFW airport - the realization that there was no turning back and that the only way ones comfort zone gets bigger is to take a step outside of it.

There are very few groups were everyone immediately welcomes another and is wanting to encourage and fix each other crowns. No one wanted to wait until Saturday morning to meet, instead planned a meet up Friday night. And where else can you spend too long talking over breakfast & endup almost late for the start of the conference?

Saturday went by way too quickly; well honestly the entire weekend did.

Can we take a sec to talk about the room???? The conference room was any bloggers dream. Everywhere you turned was yummy light, beautiful backdrops, and details to complete the picture perfect area.

The details were amazing. Beautiful bouquets were scattered around the room; lit candles add to the ambiance.  Even the water bottles had personalized labels. Oh and I can't forget to mention the elevator doors, that they had added the word "Slay" to the inside of them!

There was so much thought put into everything. Real mugs (that we got to bring home!) for the constant coffee refills, adorable blush plates for the donuts and lunch, gold forks, and nice table linens. Most conferences, the thought is in price and easy clean up. It was refreshing to say the least.

In many ways, I think everyone had a come-to-Jesus moment during the workshops - they were each so powerful and really got everyone thinking, and evaluating where they were at and what they needed to do. (I have another post in the works with my biggest takeaways from each session, so stay tuned!) We might have been running behind on time, but it was purely because everything was so good and no one wanted the day and activities to end!! Many people would not be thrilled to be a guinea pig, but I loved it! There is something special about being a part of the start of something great. And they had thought through all the details, there was absolutely no way to tell that it was the very first conference.

The VIP cocktail party was so fun! Just having a relaxing evening of networking is

I ended up winning a Trina Turk bag - and it totally matched my dress!

Oh and the swag bags? Amazing! My favorite


The weekend ended with many of us worried about flight delays and possibly canceled flights. I was one of the lucky few, who though late, did make it back home.

One more post coming your way with my biggest takeaways from workshops, so stay tuned!

Suzanne Marie

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