Normally I believe one would have a post like this a week later for the new year, however as I was running back and forth through the house, a couple of flashbacks hit me like a ton of bricks. Now as most people get "older" the years go by faster, and while this was true for 2018, I must say it has gone by in such a way that stuff that happened only months ago, literally feel like a forever ago.
I was really thinking about how my word for '18 absolutely has to be #adulting, based on the fact that one of my most expensive and favorite purchase this year was a wetvac (a necessary item if one has pets, old carpet and no money to replace said carpet in the near future) and the fact that it is a close tie between that, the nest thermostats and the smart outlets, which have been blessing and a curse this Christmas season. Then I realized that just a year ago I was finishing up college, or rather in a panic, hoping I was graduating. (You can read alllll about that adventure here). And that I legit finished my very last course only 7 months ago, but for some reason it feels like years. Same with the pilgrimage my mom and I took to the Holy Land back in May, in my mind that was several years ago.
Ones mind has a funny way at perceiving time. Some things feel like only yesterday and others lightyears ago.
Anyway, it's weird how when you think about the past, you then start moving on toward the future. After the realization that quite a bit more happened this year than I remembered, I started dreaming about the next few years and what they could possible entail.
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