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Gobble Wobble - First 5K


   Last year, I had decided, at the prompting of my Intro. to Physical Fitness and Wellness teacher, to do a 5k. I had no idea what I was getting myself into!

       Both of the runs were with my school (TCC). The first one I just volunteered for. The Toro Dash, (pictured above) it was so cold and standing around for an hour did not help at all!! The Toro Dash was with all of the campuses and had a much bigger turnout than the one I actually participated in. The Gobble Wobble was sponsored by the South Campus, like the name implies had to do with turkeys. In order to pick up your packet for the race, you had to donate some canned food for the food bank. And the prices were turkeys! 😂

I ended up running with a classmate and got second for my age group! But I think if I were to ever to a 5K again, it will not be during the winter, I find I have a hard time running with it being cold and windy, plus the wind makes my ears burn (thus the thick headband).

Overall, it was a great experience and glad I did it!

Suzanne Marie
Suzanne Marie
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