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     Hey y'all, Happy New Year!! My name's Suzanne. I've started several blogs in the past, but ended up forgetting about them and not really pursuing the whole blogging thing. Yet for some reason or another I keep wanting to try again. So here we are. I figured I might as well change things up and for once have the first official post be...well... an introduction.

      I'm not entirely sure what topics I will be posting about, it could range from sewing, makeup, school, travel, faith, and family stories. To be honest, that's probably why I've never kept up with my old blogs. Well that and school, it has a way of being the center of attention. So here's to a new year full of adventure, new friends and well... who knows!

      Like I said my name is Suzanne Marie, but everyone calls me Suzy. I am 20 years old and a Junior at Tarleton State University & Tarrant County College. Last month, I earned my Associates of Art Degree from TCC...half way there!! Yay!!

      I earn a little bit of money babysitting and finally last April I started selling Mary Kay, because they have amazing products! When I first started using makeup, I got the cheap drugstore kind and wow! they were bad, it made my skin breakout and itch. Then thanks to my mom's suggestion I tried MK and they are amazing products. So y'all should checkout their skincare lines and makeup; I'm offering free shipping all over the U.S.!

      I love love love to travel, if college wasn't taking all of my money, I would be spending it on the road somewhere. Growing up, my family would take road trips all over the central part of the U.S. I can't even count how many times I've been up to Kansas to visit my mom's family. But I've gotten to go to almost half of the states (one goal is to visit all 50!).

      Thanks to a sweet high school friend, I now have a nasty addiction to coffee. My favvvorite brand is Mystic Monk. The absolute best flavor is Jingle Bell Java, which unfortunately is seasonal, so I buy a five pound bag of it and keep it in the freezer... ;D My bestie and I have decided to use the new year to try all of the awesome small coffee shops, so I'll let y'all know what the best places are in the DFW area (and anywhere I travel to)!

 // Photography by Shelby Alexis Photography (November 2014) //

      Most people only get to see the sweet, and shy part of me. But hopefully I'll show you that I'm quite a mixture of girly girl and absolute nerd. So grab a cup of coffee and let's go on an adventure!

Suzanne Maire
Suzanne Marie
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