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Charcoal Mask

So I am sure you have noticed what the latest skincare trend is, charcoal... masks and peels are totally in. The only problem? They are super painful, especially when they are not applied correctly. Well I am here to tell you that Mary Kay has just released their own version and it is not comparable!

So one might be wondering why mask? It hydrates your skin, removes excess oil, pulls out impurities, deeper clean than a cleanser, makes your skin glow, and minimizes appearance of pores.
And unlike the peel off masks, this does not hurt, will not rip, stretches pores or damage you skin and does not hurt!!

It is creamy mask, that dries as it works its magic and then you just wash it right off. And even better is there is no down time! While you use it, go read a book, finish folding that laundry, or I even straightened my hair during the time frame!

Infusion with honeysuckle, peppermint, rosemary, lavender, and Navy Bean extract, it smells really really good. The activated charcoal acts like a magnet drawing out the gunk from your pores. And it removes 2 times its weight in impurities! So it leaves your skin feeling super fresh and your pores look great!



Here is what makes the MK one stand out - it has activated charcoal that binds to the dirt, toxins, impurities, and bacteria, with allow for a process called Adsorption (not absorbing) to take place, by bringing  everything to the surface. (The darker spots in the pictures? That's the adsorption process taking place!) It contains no glue, so you can just rinse it off, instead of painfully peeling it.

It is already one of the top three charcoal mask according to Forbes and the other masks are double the price of the Mary Kay one - because one tube gives you 30 applications - that is less than $0.80 per use - which is in comparison to $2-3 from the other ones in stores.

I totally suggest using a synthetic brush to apply, as this will help make it even all around and mess free. Love pairing this with the Mary Kay Liquid Foundation Brush. The first time I tried the mask, I did not use the brush and it was a mess and super hard to get an even layer (it stuck to my fingers). So then I tried the brush and was like omg why didn't I have this the first time? Plus it rinses off the brush super easily and looks like a new brush! (For hygienic reasons, I would not use the same brush as your foundation one - would work much better to have a specific brush for the mask.)

Right now when you purchase both the mask and the brush from this link (shipping is free all over the U.S.!), if you add in the notes/comments when checking out the word "CHARCOAL" you'll receive $10 off (which is basically the brush free!), until August 31, 2017. Enjoy masking!

Suzanne Marie
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  1. I tried the mask for the first time yesterday and it was AMAZING! It went on smoothly with the brush Suzanne provided with the special promo code above (Thank you!!). My skin felt really clean and smooth after I washed off the mask, and it did appear to minimize pores! Can't wait to use it again. :-)


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