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Yummy Chocolate Protein Smoothie

For about the past four years I have been on and off struggling to keep a good healthy diet (not for losing weight, but more for being overall healthy). I can totally blame it on college, wether it was 8am classes, stress or being busy and all over the place. Most mornings I would not have breakfast, either I was running late, not hungry, or just completely forgot about breakfast.

But it would extend beyond breakfast. Some time I would have lunch because my classes were during that time period. And there where many occasions where I would not have dinner, because of babysitting jobs where they did not provide any food for me. Thinking back, I am quite shocked that I did not end up sick all of the time, due to lack of healthy foods and/or a consistent diet.

Thankfully, my mom taught me early on that taking a daily multivitamin is the best way to be on the safe side. It's kind of the unrecognized awesome sidekick in ones diet (making sure you get all the vitamins and minerals that you might forget to add in everyday).

Because of the unbalanced and weird eating habits I created throughout these past few years, I knew I needed to make sure that even if I was not getting three good meals in each day, I needed to have the proper nutrients to keep my body functioning properly.

One of my friends taught me a super easy smoothie recipe that is perfect for getting the much needed protein. And it's super customizable too!

  • One banana
  • Two scoops of protein powder
  • 1/2-1 Tbsp. Coco Powder
  • 1 Cup Califia Farms Toasted Coconut Almond Milk
  • Dash of Honey
Blend together and ta da!

But you can mix and match and create a one of a kind smoothie too! By adding in ice, different amounts of liquids and powder or an extra banana or even adding in your favorite frozen fruit. It's super easy.

Suzanne Marie
Suzanne Marie
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