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Moves Like No Other

Is it weird to say I was really excited about getting a new razor in the mail? Hahaha, well I was! Influenster partnered up with Gillette Venus to the brand new Flexiball Razor tested and see what people think! I have to say I was a little sceptical about what it would be like and nervous to try out a new razor after a past experience with razor burn (which is NOT fun at all!).

First off the question is what makes this razor any different than the next? The Flexiball technology allows razor head to move in different directions. It also has five individually adjusting blades that help guide hair to the blade so there is less of a chance of missing a spot! Plus the water-activated Moisture Glide Serum allows long-lasting smoothness.

Now is it worth it? I have to say it did not "wow" me, but worked wonders around areas, such as knees, which are the weirdest spot ever to shave. And even if you are not that impressed with it, don't forget that all of the GilletteVenus razor handles and blade refills are interchangeable. So that way if you prefer a different blade, but love the flexiball handle, you can use the ones you prefer!

Personally, I was more impressed with the blade, but that is probably because after randomly starting to get razor burns, I switched over to the original Venus blade and handle and have been a bit nervous trying new razors. But was extremely and happily impressed with the blade on the flexiball razor and as stated I love that you can purchase refills for any of the blades and they work on all of the handles!

Suzanne Marie

*I received this product complimentary of Influenster for testing purposes. All opinions are my own.
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