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Girl, Wash Your Face

When multiple people recommend you read the same book, you should probably go and read it. After finding it on sale at Target, I dumped it into the cart and added it to the stack of to-read next to my bed. When packing for a conference earlier this month, I shoved it into my bag, hoping I would get the chance to start it.

It's been a good while since I've purchased a physical book outside of school and even longer since I've been struck enough while reading to underline and highlight (I mean I love clean and new, so writing in a book is HARD for me to do).

Rachel Hollis's Girl, Wash Your Face, should be gifted to every women. She walks you through twenty lies, we all tell ourselves. Some might be more relevant to you than others, but relevant nonetheless.

"God has perfect timing. Everything happen(s) exactly when it's supposed to" (pg. 106). 

I believe this 100%. There are many situations, where it just doesn't seem to make sense right then and there, but long term, the pieces start to fit together.

"There may be items on your to-do list, but you also have a long list of things you have achieved. Goals you accomplished years ago are on someone else's bucket list. Focus on what you have done.
By not being where you thought you should be, you will end up exactly where you're meant to go" (pg. 110). Think about it. Your list of achievements - big or small. Write them down. Nothing is too small. Graduated High School? Someone out there is trying to get their GED. Do you make your bed every morning? Someone can barely get themselves ready before rushing out of the door. I know I am NOT where I thought I would be right now, but I am exactly where I should be.

"Take some time just for you to refill your cup. Learn to ask for help and when someone offers help, accept it" (pg. 121). Growing up in a very traditional and old school family, this has been a hard one to swallow. Every single family member has had to learn this and because of many struggles we have gone through (I should write my own book someday, ha), we had to get over ourselves and accept the help when it was offered.

"Someone else's opinion of you is none of your business" (pg. 146). Amen! I struggled hard core with how people would judge me for simple things. It has taken me years and years and years (laugh if you want, knowing I'm only in my early 20's), to learn this.

Those are just a few of what got highlighted. I can only say this so many times - go buy this book.

What is your current read?? Comment below!

Suzanne Marie
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