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Travel Flashback: South Padre Island 2015

     I know you are probably thinking I miss typed the year in the title, but I didn't. I decided to do a flashback series of trips I've gone on. So first up... South Padre Island. Last year, January 2015, I had my mind made up, I was going on a road trip with or without anyone. It didn't matter, I was going on a trip.

     Here's a little back story first, my sister (Jen) and I went from finals in the fall semester straight to a Wintermester, and we had one week after it ended before our spring semester was going to start. I don't know about you, but that is a ridiculous amount of school and stress, so close together. I'm really not sure what made me decided to go on a trip, but once it was in my head, I wasn't changing my mind.

     The reasoning behind South Padre Island, was even in the winter normally it's pretty mild down there. Although my family kind of has this thing with the weather and road trips, so of course the week we are down there it was right after a big storm, thus kind of cold and really wet.

      There was tons of confusion about who was coming with me, my sister was kind of ehh, and then my parents were going back and forth about if my brothers could come too. Literally the night before I had no idea who was going to be in the car with me the following morning, however I am very stubborn and in the end it was our first sibling only trip!

     In the end all four of us ended up road tripping down to the Texas coast and even though it was cold, wet, and very windy, we all had a lot of fun. My favorite part of road trips is the sense of peace and relaxation of being out on the road, away from home.

     On the way back home, we stopped in Corpus Christi to go the aquarium and hang out for a little while.

Suzanne Marie
Suzanne Marie

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