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Branding, Branding, Branding

Y'all are probably wondering why, why after over four years of blogging am I just now wanting to share it all. And I would reply, honestly I have no clue. I really could not tell you the change of heart; I think the dream has slowly been building up and has become big enough for me to actually act upon it, even in the midst of soooooo much.

The fun thing about blogging is I get to chose when, where, what, who, and how of it all.

I love to sit down and just type. Sometimes it is much easier than other, the entire post will just come out and be completed in one sitting. And sometimes it takes forever.

And I love being on either side of the camera. I finally made up my mind and figured out the how behind purchasing a DSLR camera and I bought a Cannon Rebel T5i last February. Game changer y'all. So I love learning how to use it and let my best friend give it a try. Like I said, I enjoy being on both side of it.

When I decided I was going to actually start sharing everything, I wanted it to be worth sharing. So I started off looking around of a good template and I already knew who I was going to ask, to shoot my branding photos. In my last post I talked about the template, so I won't go into detail, except that I love how it turned out.

The amazing Shelby Alexis did a wonderful job and I just want to share alllll of the photos, but in order to do so, that would either be a super super long post or three or four sort of medium length ones.

And of course we had a dance break right before the shoes came off!

Here's a sneak peek of the second portion of our shoot! Honestly not sure which was my favorite, but the next one is very close to winning!!! So excited to share them with y'all!!

Suzanne Marie
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