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Perfect 4th of July Outfit

(Apparently, the entire blog post got deleted, except the photos and got published... so here's and updated and edited version.)

It might seem fairly early to be planning an outfit for the fourth of july, but honestly, it should be fairly easy at this point with all of the recent patriotic outfit inspiration because of Memorial Day this past weekend.

Last month, I posted this outfit here, and to be honest, it is currently my absolute favorite patriotic outfit, but I wanted to show a super cute way you can create the perfect look with pieces that could most likely be found in your closet.

Here I grabbed my white pair of denim shorts, a navy tank, and my jeans jacket from my closet and added a few new accessories from Charming Charlie. The fun thing is it is completely customizable for what you already have and for your style.

For  instance if you do not have a jeans jacket (or the heat of July is too intense for it), you could opt for a chambray button up - just roll the sleeves up (as pictured with the jacket) and leave unbuttoned. Or grab a denim vest. So many cute options here!

Don't have white denim shorts? Wear your jean shorts and a red or white tank.

Do not worry about having a super patriotic outfit or a shirt with the flag on it, there are always tons of cute accessories that you can add on for that little extra something.

// Tank, Jacket, Shorts - similar, and hereBowBraceletEarringsSunglasses //

Suzanne Marie

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