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Essential Oils

Essential Oils have quickly become one of the recent trends, even though they have been around for quite a while. And they is a lot of debate regarding quality and different brands, but when it comes down to it, making sure that you are using essential oils that are of top quality is very important, and currently, dōterra and young living are hand in hand the best brands out there. Many other brands that claim to have good quality oils, in reality contain fillers and synthetic ingredients. And that will not help provide any (or very little) therapeutic benefits.

Now these essential oils come from plant material extracts, that are bottled without any additional processing or ingredients. And because plants will vary in quality, companies such as dōterra or young living are committed to testing every batch, partnering with local growers, and certifying that every bottle is CTG (Certified Therapeutic Grade).

You can use eo's many different ways, such as Aromatically (diffusing them), Topically (applying to affected area of body), Internally (adding to your water, use in recipes, etc.) When planning on use internally, make sure that the oil is safe to consume, there is actually quite a few that should not be ingested. Oils such as: cedar wood, eucalyptus, cypress, and wintergreen should not be consumed. And I believe there are a few others to add to that list, so just double check before use. And there are a few that should always be diluted before applying to the skin.

For instance I have been using 2 drops of either lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, or orange in my water once a day instead of drinking La Croix. And love to use lavender in a bath. And regarding adding them to baths, I have found using milk is better for mixing the oils. Because water and oil do not mix, so putting the essential oils in milk helps them bound to the fat and then when it mixes with the water, the oil is spread out in the bath instead of staying in little drops. I would recommend about 4 drops to 1 cup milk. And avoid adding spicy oils, such as cinnamon and peppermint, to a bath.

Most companies all have the essentials such as lavender, lemon, peppermint, tea tree, etc. But some have more single oils than others (Young Living currently has twice the amount as dōterra), and they all have different brand blends, although quite a few are very similar and compatible.

Regardless of whether or not you are a die hard yl or dōterra fan, both are amazing companies to be using!

Suzanne Marie
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