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Important Habits

Recently, a fellow blogger had a post about 5 Important Habits to Develop in your 20's, and while I definitely enjoyed reading it (especially because I have seen other takes on the same idea), I felt as if she did not quite expand upon several of the points and left out some crucial information. Also, this list does not just apply to women in their 20's, it is for everyone! The idea is the sooner you start implementing these into your daily life, the better.

Water - one of the most over looked healthy habits every. We should be drinking about 64 ounces a day (yes that might mean a few more trips to the bathroom, but once you start regularly drinking that amount daily, your badder will start getting use to it.). For the most part, people do not consumer as much water as they should do to grabbing other drinks through out the day, such as soda, coffee, sports drink, and more. And having something else to drink is not a bad thing, only when it becomes your drink of choice through out the day instead of good old water (which is easy enough to flavor, without adding sugar).

I usually carry around some sort of water bottle with me everywhere. And it is quite surprising how much water you will drink when it is right there with you all day. Recently, I've been grading my 30 ounce tumbler and it's easy to know I need to drink a little more than two of them a day, plus it keeps my water ice cold in the car when I'm running in and out of stores on errands. First thing in the morning I'll add a scoop of collagen and maybe some lemon essential oil for flavor.

Exercise - Learning to implement some kind of exercise routine is an extremely great healthy habit. It makes you feel good and keeps your body fit and ready for daily challenges. A few years ago, I was taking a barre class and to be honest, I never looked as good. I couldn't really see a difference until I started looking at photos and getting complements. (I mean everyone wants abs to rock in swimsuits right?). The past year I have not really done anything other than a few extremely short and sparse workouts at home. Mainly because I really do work better in a class setting vs. going to the gym myself. So find what you enjoy and stick with it (believe me I'll be going back to those classes once I'm done paying for college).

Multi-Vitamins - Making sure you are getting enough water and exercise are critical, so is a balanced diet. But we are only human, and even if you are eating healthy, that does not mean you are getting all of the vitamins and minerals you should. So taking a multi-vitamin is a great addition, just to make sure you have all of your bases covered; it definitely does not hurt to take one daily.

Skin Care - Finding a great anti-aging skin care in your 20's is a must!! It is strange that we hear anti-aging and think it is for old ladies, but reality is, if you really want it to work, the sooner you start the more you can protect your skin!! Especially, when you learn you start to lose natural substances such as collagen around the age of 16. By the time you are in your late 20's, your skin has already gone through 10 years of aging.

But there is more to your skincare routine, than just justing a anti-aging cleanser. Using a cleansing brush not only helps remove your makeup over 70% better than by hand, it also helps with the absorption of the next products you use.

How many of you in college got into the habit of staying up late and forgetting to take off your makeup? And that means you probably would wake up and leave yesterdays makeup on all day. Sleeping in your makeup actually ages you face, among other things, such as developing a greater chance of acne, infection, rash, dull looking skin, and more wrinkles. Finding a great eye makeup remover and cleanser that removes makeup is super super important!

And lastly on the matter of skincare is supplements! Once you have created the habit of cleansing and moisturizing your face twice a day, you can start adding in different skin care supplements that fit your faces needs - such as using a charcoal mask if your pores get dirty easily (acne prone skin), vitamin c because you body does not naturally produce it, or a microdermabrasion or facial peel for exfoliation (super important!).

SPF - Along the lines of skin care is the use of spf. With so many studys and proven links of uv rays to skin cancer, why people do not pay more attention to the use of spf is amazing. But it is easily over looked, unless you know you are spending a day out by the pool, hiking, on the beach, or just outside in general. Luckily, there are so many easy way to add it into you skincare or makeup regimen. Daily, I probably put on two-three different products on my face that contain various levels of spf (35-15). And I love knowing that my face has those layers of production against the sun, while I'm running in and out of my car, or going on a quick walk.

First & Last thing of the day - Loved how she broke out of the norm and said how she is really trying to get away from opening her phone first thing in the morning and start scrolling through social media. And I totally agree, it is a bad habit for so many people, and yes I am completely guilty of it (the other day after I finally rolled out of bed on my way to coffee, I noticed that both my sister and brother were awake, but still in bed just on their phones.) Now her reason for removing it as the first thing is the idea that you wake up and immediately have this need for perfection after seeing everyones picture perfect lives. For some people, depending on how your mind works, that could be an issue, for me it's more getting away from screens in general first thing - I actually look at Instagram pictures in a different way, because I know there was so much more that went into each photo, other than someone snapping a pic of their real life (some are, most are not) or that the photo is actually from a different occasion.

The other thing I wanted to add on is the importance to remove screens as the LAST thing of the day. It is proven that if you give your eyes 30 minutes to an hour of screen free time before bed, you actually sleep better, but how many of you have your phone plugged in and you are on it in bed as you go to sleep? I have been making a huge point to plug it in across the room and to do some bible study or other reading before I turn the lights out, instead of flipping through photos.

What else is a good habit to really start implementing when you are in your 20's? Comment below with more ideas!

Suzanne Marie


  1. Great article :) I would also put stretching as a habit since there is a correlation between stress and muscle imbalances. People who stretch at night tend to have a better night's sleep

    1. Thank you! Great advice! Does that only apply if you stretch at night or what if you only stretch right after a workout?


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