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2014 - A Year in Rewind

      2014 // Goals and Accomplishments
        Bank Account  -  Not that exciting, but I finally got one! 

        Smart Barre  -  Started in January, taking classes twice a week, then in April & May I kicked it up a notch and I'm loving it!!! Still going strong!

        College  -  I STARTED COLLEGE in January! And have finished two semesters and half of a minimester (half is in January.) And so far I am two for two with boys basically asking me out. One during each semester. 😏

        19  -  Yep, I'm now 19. 

        Ballet - One of the courses I took in the Fall, was ballet. And I had my first (and last) ballet recital this December.

        Work - I am still babysitting like crazy and helping with my dad's website. Both take up way too much time.

       Sewing - All year I have been really getting into sewing. Doing all kinds of projects, and the funny thing is it started so suddenly, I had no idea what it was turning into. Bought my own sewing machine. Mom and Dad got me a table for my birthday. And I just got my own pair of super nice sewing scissors for Christmas! I have made at least four dresses, several shirts, a cute holiday apron, five skirts. And that's just what I can think of right now! 😁😂

    Honestly, so much has happened this year, most of which was small things, I cannot put it all down. The main highlights of the year are college, smart barre and sewing. Haha, hope y'all's year was just as great!

Suzanne Maire
Suzanne Marie
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