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Another Mountain


 Everyone is always saying to 'keep it real' and whatnot. So today I will be, even though I might not like it and you might not either, but here is one of my weak spots and some very true feelings. Trying to keep it authentic over here.

        Yesterday was definitely the worst day I have had in a long time. I am the type of person who 'bottles up' my stress, so it does not effect me on a day to day basis, but because of that it eventually explodes.

       Normally if something is bothering me, I put on a 'happy face' and deal with it, since I do not have someone to tell,  but yesterday I had had it, and I ended up crying and screaming in the car.

       I have to be honest, and this might surprise of my 'friends', I have, ever since I started homeschooling, felt lonely and left out. I alway manage to find a group of girls, who are amazing and I loved calling them my friends, but they would alway excluded me and was always the one who never got invited and felt left out. I have not had a 'bff' since 2nd grade, and have not really had someone, outside of family, I could tell everything to.  I have often questioned whether or not I actually have any true friends. But no matter what, even without close friends, I have Jesus. He is always there for me talk to and I know that He is listening, regardless how pathetic it is.

     We will always have mountains to climb, now whether the easy part is going up or down that depends on the person. But everyone has to remember that friends come and go, but there is one that will always be there waiting. You guessed it Our Lord Jesus Christ, He will never give up on you, but you might give up on Him. Regardless He will never be far from you. That is how much He loves us. He wants to be there for you and to help you, especially during the tough times, you just have to remember and ask.

Suzanne Maire
Suzanne Marie
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