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DIY Poison Ivy Costume

Every year I feel like I do not think about a costume until the last minute... this year and the last was no different. You can see this years costume here. Last year, was one of the first where everyone wanted to be 'on the same page' and we actually collaborated costumes... D.C. to be exact. My inspiration was from Pinterest (like usual ðŸ˜†), but more specifically a Poison Ivy costume, actress Bella Thorne wore.

Honestly, I ran to Joann's and grab an easy sew circle dress and some hunter green knit. And I wasn't aiming for perfection, just something good enough to wear once or twice. Then in the floral area found some ivy. After I finished the dress, my sister helped hot glue on the ivy. We pulled and cut some of it up, that way we could have it around the dress in different areas, instead of just having it wrapped around the costume. Then taking a few extra leaves, we glued them onto a few bobby-pins and hair clips to add it in my hair.

The mask is made from foam sheets. Don't think I had a pattern, but defiantly cut out and glued together several pieces so it would be a little more 3D. How I wore them? Glue... ðŸ˜‚😂 Yep, Elmer's School Glue was my in the moment decision (because I couldn't think of anything else that would probably just come off). And hey, it worked!

Suzanne Marie
Suzanne Marie
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