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150 Blog Posts Means Giveaway!

August is here and the Mary Kay product of the month is the Skinvigorate Cleansing Brush! A $50 value that you can get 50% off all month long!! And In honor of four and a half years and 150 blog posts I am giving away a Mary Kay Cleansing Brush! Comment below to be entered and a winner will be picked at the end of the month (August 31st at midnight) and will be announced in the first post in September!

Okay, so let me explain why this is such an important skin care tool for any women to have. Did you know that when you clean off your makeup with your hands and a good cleanser, you actually are not getting off all of makeup? In a clinical study, it was found that using the brush removes makeup 85% better than cleansing by hand.

It not only provides a deep cleanse and exfoliation, it helps boots the absorption of your next skin care step.

And unlike other brands that cost over $100 (or $80 when on sale), the Mary Kay Skinvigorate Cleansing Brush is only $50. But you can get it for $25(!!!!!) this month!! Or comment below for the chance to win one for FREE!

Below is a photo from the independent clinical study. Women applied fluorescent makeup to their forehead (to show residue under the UV light). Using cleanser, they washed one side by hand and the other side using the Mary Kay Cleansing Brush for the same length of time. Afterward, the women were satisfied they had washed all of the makeup off and saw no color remaining on their forehead. The results below show under UV light that the side that they had used the Cleansing Brush on is clearly cleaner.

Pink = makeup residue remaining

Left is side used with brush and Right side was by hand.

Suzanne Marie
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  1. Love my MK Cleansing Brush! The picture of brush vs. manual cleansing grossed me out! The brush makes my skin feel super clean and smooth!

    1. Yay, glad to hear you love it!! Hahaha, you just might win another one! 🎁🎁 They make a great Christmas present!

    2. Ahh congratulation! You are the winner of the MK Cleansing Brush!


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