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5 Essential Skin Care Items

Good quality skin care should be an important investment for every women - regardless of age - because we all only get one face and there is only so much damage that can get repaired from years of UV, and pollutant exposure. Going beyond just the necessities of cleanser and moisturizer, these ... items will boost your skincare regimen to the next level.

Cleansing Brush - Would you be shocked if I told you when you wash your face with your hands, you are NOT getting all of your makeup off? Well, it is true. By using a brush, you are getting around 85% more off, than just by using your hands. I love this brush, mainly because it is so good and cheaper than the leading brands out there.

Exfoliant - Crazy to think that we actually shed a complete layer of dead skin every couple of days and that using an exfoliant two/three times a week is so important. BUT you don't want to use just anything on your face. It needs to be a microdermabrasion or facial peel. Reason you do not want to use a product that says scrub on your face, is because it is too hard - they chip away at your skin instead of working in a circular motion or chemically. Personally I love to use a facial peel because of the glycolic acid it is able to go deeper than a microderm. But many people love that you can physically feel the microderm working.

Sunscreen - I know, I know you would NEVER put a regular sunscreen on your face on a daily basis. Luckily, there are soo many great products that include SPF inside, that other than the smell, you could never tell you are putting it on. Many of them are so lightweight and non-greasy, that it makes it so easy to get a layer or two of good sun production. The easiest products to use are a day serum, moisturizer, or foundation primer or a lightweight foundation.

A Good Face Mask - there are so many different kinds out there - from charcoal, clay, mud, paper, fibers, gel, etc. Finding one or two that you love to use and that have great benefits for your skin, is a great not only for a nice pampering session for yourself, but also helps add in supplements in your routine. Personally, I would suggest finding one that is extremely moisturizing, because it is perfect for year-round, but especially during the harsh winter months (and sometimes summertime too! The hot sunshine can suck out the moisture from your skin!). And a good pore cleansing mask - most will recommend a charcoal mask, because activated charcoal can pull out twice it's weight of impurities from your pores. But if you are allergic to activated charcoal products, try to find a good clay mask with the same idea.

I love having a mask for special occasions - little more pricy, but so many benefits. 

Eye Cream - Regardless of age or wrinkles - a good eye cream can help not only prevent crows-feet, but help brighten and tighten the area around your eyes. Taking care of those areas are so important because it has some of the most delicate and thin layers of skin on your body and need an little extra TLC. A good reminder is any products that does not say EYE in it - you should not be using around them - so  you know eye makeup remover and eye cream are meant to be used around them. Check out this best selling eye cream and this one (my personal favorite).

Suzanne Marie
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