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Top 6 #SCCon18 Takeaways

Last week I posted a quick recap of the Style Collective Conference in Raleigh, NC. I had way too much fun and learned so much; in fact I'm still trying to process everything! And as promised here are my top six takeaways from the #SCCon18!!! Hopefully, one of them (or all), will help you on your blogging journey!

Be You! They are following you for you, so don't be afraid to show who you really are. Because any kind of social media ends of being a highlight reel, take advantage of tools (like Instagram Stories) so your followers can see how relatable you are.

Inspiration is Literally Everywhere. Copying is a form of flattery - just don't take it too far, and make sure you give creative credit!! And when finding inspiration on social media, keep it as that and try not to compare. The comparison game is black hole, especially because when we are in that mindset, we tend to forget that what we are seeing is highlight reel and we don't know or understand all of their personal struggles or situation.

Know Your Beliefs. What are your values? What exactly do you believe in - and will never compromise? This will help you figure what brands you want to work with and what kind of content you want to publish.

Create a Series. Or Two. Or Three. Create a couple of weekly or monthly series - this will help you fill up and plan months in advance. But also give your readers something to look forward to.

Metrics Matter. Having a current media kit with metrics is key when pitching to brands. They want to see real engagement between you and your followers.

But Your Pitch is More Important! How you pitch to a band is huge! It can be the start of an amazing long term partnership, which hopefully is y'all's goal! Before you pitch to a brand, make sure that they would actually have common interests and goals. And this is why you need to define your beliefs and values. Once you have those figured out, it is easier to find brands that align with them.

Want to dive deeper? Join Style Collective and you can purchase a digital ticket to the conference! You'll have access to all of the workshops, powerpoints, and worksheets, that we got at the physical conference!

Suzanne Marie


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