Yesterday morning, while shopping at Target (trying to pass the time between classes), a lady in a wheelchair pulled in the aisle behind me. Me (think I was in the way), stood up to move, when she asked me if I thought that wheelchairs where scary. She then asked if I thought people who are different to be weird or strange, because she was always getting weird looks from people.
I was thinking about that conversation all day. Everyone is different, in their own unique way. That is what makes us us. But regardless, people still judge others by what they can see, instead of what truly matters, what's on the inside. Even though growing up we are taught the Golden Rule, 'treat others as you would want to be treated', many tend to forget it. We are humans and as such we judge, stare, and make fun of others just because they seem different than what we consider to be normal. But what is 'normal'? Seriously what is it? In reality there is no such thing as normal. Every single person has a different perspective on what normal is. So why do we judge people based on something that really does not exist?
As Christians and Catholics it is part of our duty to remember that "Every person, from the first moment of his life in the womb, has an inviolable dignity, because from all eternity God willed, loved, created, and redeemed that person and destined him for eternal happiness" (CCC 1699-1715). By treating another person with respect and kindness, you honoring our Creator. After all we are created in His likeness and image, so how you treat others, that is how you are treating our Lord.
// "Do not judge from his appearance... Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance, but the Lord looks into the heart." - 1 Samuel 16:7 //
Suzanne Maire
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